Training Curriculum and age group objectives..


Training Development Structure

1: Technical Development, (Formation of new movements)

2: Skill Development (Application of Technique to Skill)

3: Individual Tactics(1v1)

4: Group Play Tactics (Combination/Overloads)

5: Team Tactics: (How do we setup)

1: Technical Development, (Formation of new movements)


This curriculum is designed to help develop and improve the players first touch, speed of play and speed of thought.  The player will over time, using this footwork method, become more confident, comfortable and will manipulate the ball more easily in situations that require quick feet.  We use this footwork curriculum in every session for all players.

See below:

Soccer players must have fast feet to respond to opposing players and moving targets (soccer ball or attacking player)They must have the ability to move the whole body with change of speed or direction in response to a stimulus. Soccer agility is the ability to change the body's direction efficiently on the soccer field and this requires a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, and strength.

You must remember that you are building a solid foundation for yourself.

Balance: The ability to to maintain the body's center of gravity over the base of support.

Coordination: Using the correct muscles at correct time with the correct intensity.

Reflexes: The ability of the body to respond to a stimulus without conscious thought.

We have three parts to our footwork development curriculum.

We have our 'on the spot' exercises. Where we develop basic footwork ability.

Then we have our 'on the turn' footwork exercises where we place players under a little bit of pressure to execute footwork with turns and changes of direction.

Finally we our 'on the attack'  part of the footwork curriculum.  Where we train player to work on and execute attacking moves whilst having the ball close with quality footwork and balance.

The key to achieving fast feet and improving soccer agility is to build a solid base of general movement patterns. Once the technical aspect of the pattern has been mastered you now move into completing the movement at game speed. It is absolutely vital that fast footwork exercises are completed at speed. This does well for long term development.

2: Skill Development (Application of Technique to Skill)


Each technical topic constantly works on the things that are so important - developing quality of passing,  first touch and movement and manipulation of the soccer ball.

Topics will always incorporate receiving and passing as an element.  By building the ability to pass and receive comfortably players are always building confidence as each week progresses into the next.  

Various training topics will include... Receiving and passing, creative attacking play, turns and changes of direction, aerial and ground ball control and heading. 

3: Individual Tactics (1v1)


Be first to the ball, use skills, feints', cuts, moves and acceleration getting away from a player.

We incorporate 1v1  exercises and games that build awareness, confidence and creativity when faced with an opponent/s in small areas. 

We try to get players to ask themselves questions all the time on how do Iwhen do I and where do I use my technical ability.   

4: Group Play Tactics (Combination/Overloads)


We incorporate 1v1, 2v1, 2v2, 3v2, and 4v2 exercises and games that build awareness, confidence and creativity when faced with an opponent/s in small areas. 

We try to get players to ask themselves questions all the time on how do Iwhen do I and where do I use my technical ability.   

We try to develop a greater understanding of movement and creating space.  Along with communication and the ability to send and receive instructions with passes.  Ideally can you provide information on each pass and help make decisions for other players. 

5: Team Tactics

Principles of Play

The five principles of attacking and defending are a fundamental basis for a soccer coach to focus his team's broader objectives and strategies. Every practice and match depends on the successful execution of the principles, so they are indispensable to success in the sport.

Five Attacking Principles

The five attacking principles are penetration, support/depth, mobility, width and creativity/improvisation.

Penetration refers to getting inside and behind the defense's shape. Mobility is an offense's movement and flexibility, so its shape and direction are never predictable or repetitive. Width is the ability of an offense to use the entire width of the field to spread out a defense and enable penetration or dangerous one-on-one isolation around the field. Creativity or improvisation are the offense's attacking freedom.

As much as the principles is critical, following rote attacking directions make an offense easy to oppose. Improvisation allows attackers to express themselves, be unpredictable and find new ways to forge chances.

Other Aspects of Attacking Play.

1. Overlaps   2. Diagonal runs in behind   3. Develop speed of play

4. Interchange of positions    5. Possession    6. Transition

7. Combination Play   8. Switching Play    9. Counter Attacking

10. Playing Out from the Back    11. Finishing in the final third

Five Defensive Principles

The five defensive principles are delay, depth, balance, concentration and composure/discipline/patience.

Delay is the defense's ability to slow down an offense to disrupt the pace and/or numerical advantage of an attack. Depth is a defense's placement on the field -- too deep and there is too much space for an offense to hold the ball in front of them, too shallow and there is too much space for an offense to get behind. Balance refers to a defense's strength all over the field, not just those directly defending the ball.

Concentration is a defense's focus, which is critical to avoid simple mistakes like miskicks that can give opponents undeserved opportunities. Composure/discipline/patience is an intangible that an entire team must possess to maintain defensive shape and the other four principles even while under constant pressure.

Other Aspects of Defending Play.

1. Defending set pieces. Free Kicks/Corners

2.Tracking Runners  3. Zonal defending    4. Pressing

5. Retreat and recovery   6. Compactness/Numbers behind the ball.